Thank you. That’s all I have to say. But it’s a lot of them…
Mike, for saying “why not?” when I asked “should I do this?”
Henry, for being the yoga mat rental gatekeeper.
Helen, for blessing the studio with her roller skates while I painted mountains.
Carrie, for cleaning and organizing absolutely everything and anything I asked you to, and for buying us a box of wine.
Dad, for being with me in spirit when I installed all the light fixtures and helping me realize how short life can be.
Mom, for doing yoga with me after Tim Dalsasso’s terrible birthday party when I was 9.
Kelsey, for blazing a trail and continuing to be a part of this space.
Bridget and Mary, for being such spectacular teachers and people that I wouldn’t have done this without you being a part of it (and Cat, you’re an honorary member of this group, only limited by being in SLC).
Kristie, for being such a powerful teacher that I want to keep you on our teacher roster, no matter how far away from Milwaukee you live. Your classes make me feel safe and supported, every time.
Fada, for being the very first teacher to teach in the space - and for teaching a class that was so beautiful and moving, I’ll never, ever forget how special it was.
Taylor, for the PR help and for your ability to always be ready to teach a class for a pregnant person.
Sarah for coining the term “complicated bullshit,” and your friendship.
Larry, for being our meditative anchor and for the gift of your friendship over the years. (and to Shawn, for being the most regular attendee of our Sunday morning Sanghas).
Parisa, for being a part of the space from the very first day and blessing it with the power of your vibrations (literally).
Jackie, for helping me find Kelsey way back when, and for continuing to be a teacher and friend that I respect and admire.
Heidi, for Monday afternoon power yoga dates, bike rides, heart to hearts, EARRINGS, and subbing in a pinch.
Keeley, for holding safe and powerful space in your 4 pm Power Classes for me to just be me.
Robyn, for being the most badass example of what a yoga studio owner and business owner can be.
Morgan for the gift of seeing you and being seen by you - for that bowl of soup and Guinness at County Clare when I wasn’t sure anyone else could understand what I was working through.
B, for tea, and CREATIVITY!
Lauren, for one of the best first entrances in the space, looking so incredibly cool, and for being someone I knew immediately that I wanted to know better. (and Tree… you’re going to teach me how to surf someday soon).
The three OG’s of MG: Rose, McKenna, and Loan - you created the very first magical moments of MG. Thank you to Rose for literally walking in off the street and for the endless poetry and literature talks. Thank you to Loan for your wicked sense of humor. Thank you to McKenna for your bright positivity and dedication.
The OMG crew: Nicole, Ellie, Charlotte S and Kristen. There are so many new additions to this crew, but you four helped me build this. And a special thank you to Nicole for helping me count.
Charlotte M-S for bike talks and Riverwest 24 run-ins.
Michael D for taking absolutely the most classes of any of our students, and for your always reliable “good morning,” no matter what time of day your arrival is.
Bob for liking weirder music than I like, and for your inspiring dedication to the practice.
Ellen for being a Slow Flow/Basics kindred spirit.
The first TT crew: Mark, Alina, Ingrid, and Adriana. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you four as the first graduates. Thank you for trusting me and Bridget and for becoming such powerful and thoughtful teachers.
Nichole, for being one of the very first members and your always honest feedback!
Michael S for Friday afternoon Ashtanga, cookies, and good conversations that go on about 45 minutes longer than we intend.
BJ for regularly biking up from Bay View, that jug of Old Fashioned mix that you handed me on my last day at Healium, and helping me remember how important making music is. (and to Jess for that hug after the Harmonium class when you said it was “rad” in the best Australian accent.)
Isabella, for dramatic entrances from NYC, sometimes with luggage in tow.
Lisa, for class counts and other general organizational helpfulness, your reliably 3 minute late entrances, and drinks at At Random.
Simon, for hip hop talks and spending Saturday mornings with us.
Dylan, for sad song recommendations and random studio visits from MPLS.
Erin B, for pie, long talks, and breathwork.
Brooke and Kate, the best yoga buddies ever - thanks for continuing to learn with me when you can.
Sage, for playing Japanese funk in your mentoring class and being reliably quirky and wonderful.
Michal, for getting through that one class near the heating vent!
Kelly, for your support all the way from Yandara.
Brandice, for THAT ONE TIME we actually hung out and for all the times we bonded during classes. Also our shared love of mesh bodysuits.
Kaleigh, for the magical images.
Natalia, for always recommending the studio on the Riverwest Neighborhood fb page.
Jax, for understanding my glitter vibes.
Amy, for liking my butt in my pink yoga pants.
Candace, for all things related to impeccable taste, including the snake belt!
Julie H, for reinforcing my feelings about adult friendships.
Julie E, for being here when you’re not in Portugal living your best life.
Shacey, for being one of the coolest, most accomplished people I’ve ever known.
Christyl, for being the only person who actually completed the summer 20-class challenge.
Elaine, for your love of remote winter places you can only snowshoe into.
Jess, for the amazing gifts from Tibet and for staying connected through the yoga practice for so many years.
The Urban Om OG’s: Alix, Kelly V, Charlotte S, Sonia, Julie C, Liz and Casey, Forrest, Rhiannan, Sheila, Kelsey, Angela, Stacey D, Kathleen, Bonnie
Eileen, for being a part of our space while running your own space, like the absolute badass you are.
Katie, for Estonian sauna talk.
Kathryn, for similar IG humor vibes.
Alexandria, for being literally the sweetest person alive, and for private sessions in your sunny living room.
Esther, for staying online with me for so long!
Becca, for being my private session guinea pig.
The Class Pass regulars: Sid, Mary Beth, Tami, Kayla, Lauren, Mary, Nicole, Natalie,
Margaret, for good conversation and laughter during private sessions, and for being a joyful presence in classes for such a long time.
Misa for hanging out with us whenever you can in the midst of your busy schedule.
Katie and Hamssah, for Monday morning Animal Flow (and conversation) that is the highlight of my week.
Alyssa, for being up for learning new and challenging things on Thursday mornings.
Kristin, for staying connected all the way in Rockford.
Hayley, for seeing something special at our studio and coming back to class a second time.
Mica, for your passion for the practice - it’s felt by every student who attends class with you (and thanks to Richard for organizing the cheese at the opening party).
Anne R, for the Leuchturm journal recommendations, the apples, and for learning with me from almost the first moment I landed in Milwaukee.
Katrina, for being the very first student to arrive at the studio, ever!
Liz, for learning and growing with me, and for your kindness and positivity (also for the peanut butter pie, flowers and wine when I was having a bad day).
JoMarie, for bringing along your daughter for classes and her use of our “living room.”
Zoe, for the sweetest thank you note I’ve ever read.
Anne T for super old school musical theatre connections.
Amanda, for sharing feedback that made me cry (with happiness and gratitude).
Rin, for the peace sign goodbye, every time!
Noah, for your support of the studio from before it was even the studio!
Catherine, for reconnection from Yoga One on Brady days.
Sara, for your infectious bubbly friendliness and enthusiastic contributions to our class offerings.
Kirsten, for your creativity in teaching and for always coming back home after your travels.
Sherie, for your artistry as a teacher and creator of beautiful malas.
Eden, for always reminding me when the date is wrong on the studio IG stories.
Erica, for the witty repartee, book recommendations, and musical theatre talk.
Caroline, for the septum piercing advice and holding down Sundays so I can have one day away from the studio.
Blythe, for being the original Sunday goddess for almost a year.
Marissa, for staying connected as a teacher and practitioner of yoga, through your own transformational journeys.
The Meta Massage bodywork magicians: Bree, Kylie, Rose and Kate (who always puts me back together, every time).
The Animal Flow crew: Kira, Kristen, Michael, Emma and Khurram.
Yasemin, Joanna, and Fred, for being the first to trust me to teach you. Yasemin, I can’t believe you’re gone, and I think about you every time I teach.
Jasmine and Dana, for teaching me how to teach.
Ross Gay, John O’Donohue and Rilke for helping me put words to my feelings.
Shakti Vac the robot vacuum for helping me decompress on Friday nights as I sit on the couch and watch you do your thing..
And to myself, for continuing to do the damn thing every day.
A special thank you to our monthly unlimited members - you keep things humming here. We’re grateful for you every day.